Are you worried about those bills that keep going up every month? Is your paycheck keeping up with the monthly living expenses? Many people have been looking for something better, something new to help them with their monthly expenses. Does this describe you? Well, only you can decide whether it makes more sense to look for an extra job or take the plunge and start your own home business.
The big question you must answer is - will you forget about that seemingly more secure part-time job, and are you ready for a home business of your own? This is a difficult question. Starting a home business or any business for that matter is not easy. But if you start now, and are willing to do the hard work necessary in building your business, it will reward you greatly.
Are you willing to take a little risk to potentially receive a large reward in the future? Many are not willing to take a risk for some future gain. To answer this question, you must determine what type of personality describes you. Are you a worry wart and worry about every small thing or are you willing to take an educated risk for a future reward? Is your home business dream on hold because you have more questions than answers - like where do you start? What if something doesn't go right? There's so much to do, etc.
These questions are normal but, if you feel paralyzed and unable to take action, starting a home business is probably not for you. To be successful with a home business, you need to take action. You will discover that if you can take that initial step that the "what ifs" and fears will start fading away. Over time you will develop more confidence.
Starting your own home based business allows you to work in a relaxed and comfortable home environment, but it will still cost some money to get started. Even though a home business will offer significantly lower start up costs - since there is no need for a separate office, no inventory, no commuting and best of all no employees, you will need to determine if you have the money to get started.
After all, you want to start a home business to make money not create another expense. Avoid using credit cards if possible. Many people have had garage sales to raise the money if they didn't have the money available. Most home business opportunities don't cost a lot of money, but it does still take some money to get started. It's very important to keep in mind that you will not become rich quickly. Regardless of the sales hype, and what the glossy brochures and fancy websites say, building a successful home business takes time and sacrifice.
This is definitely not an exhaustive list of things to consider if you are ready for a home business, but it is a beginning. Whether your home business is just a way to make some extra income to pay the bills or if you want something more, you will find owning a home business very rewarding.
Here are some final comments that I would like to leave you with before you make your decision. If you feel your ready for a home business, it's important to find like-minded entrepreneurs by joining some home based business forums. Find a mentor who is willing to teach you all the necessary steps to building a successful home business and who will explain to you what you will need to do to be successful. You will find that this will go a long way in helping you achieve your goal of having a profitable home business.
CLICK HERE to find a home business mentor willing to help you succeed with your own home business.
Dave Shlictemeier
1 comment:
Ashlee’s Work From Home Happiness blog is anything and everything you wanted to know about work from home opportunities. I had no idea how many different work from home jobs there are!
What resonated with me is that Ashlee is also a freelance writer. She gave up her job to pursue freelance writing and never looked back. She now makes a full-time living writing – just like me – and some of her best Pintastic posts are about freelance writing.
Ashlee is also soo helpful! I’ve been emailing her about Tailwind and Pinterest and email marketing and you can tell she takes the time to help others whenever she emails you.
She also has a job board, so if you are interested in picking a side job or extra cash, go there to see what’s available.
Ashlee has a fantastic beginner’s guide to getting started working from home so be sure to check that out.
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